Friday, October 18, 2019

Trump To End Obama’s Anti-White Campus Policies

By Professor Doom

    It’s really interesting just how much changed during the Obama era, from health insurance to “acceptable” corruption like Biden, to campus policies.

    One such policy concerned encouragement of colleges to admit students strictly based on “Diversity” concerns, so that more “minorities” would be admitted even if, purely based on academics, other students were more deserving. I put “minority” in quotes because Asians never benefit from this, despite being as much, or more, of a minority in many schools.

     Like so many Obama policies, Trump seems determined to reverse it:

     The article I’ve linked to above has a helpful chart showing academic readiness for Michigan in various subjects, broken down by what we refer to as “race”:

--Like I said, Asians really get the short end of the stick by not getting “minority” status.

     I remind the gentle reader that roughly 70% of high school graduates immediately move on to college. If colleges were really operating honestly, this high a percentage could not be possible.

According to the report, the Trump administration argues that the 2011 and 2016 Obama guidelines—which give universities the right to select black and Hispanic applicants with lower scores before whites with similar or higher scores—serve to “mislead schools to believe that legal forms of affirmative action are simpler to achieve than the law allows.”

     I must also point out that these racist policies are not really helping the supposedly disadvantaged among us. Around 50,000,000 have student loans now, loans which cannot be paid off by students who went to college despite having little academic ability at best. The phrase “Democratic Plantation” exists for a reason, as this policy (among many others) really seems to exist to trap kids into a form of slavery, in this case debt slavery.

      Of course, the lower scores are merely a reflection of racial differences in IQ and ability, and have nothing to do with “white racism,” as the fact that many Asians in America score as high, if not higher, than whites, and they are also excluded from the “affirmative action” program even though they are not white.

     Not many sites dare to say things like the above, as it contradicts the narrative that anything besides racism could possibly be responsible. Asians spend far more time studying, after all, so there is an explanation here beyond the ever-so-contentious “intelligence.”

     Asians, incidentally, have been fighting the racist admissions policies, especially at top tier schools. It’s something of a tough lawsuit, but a plausible one since Obama’s policies contradict established law:

In fact, the Justice Department  has recently been investigating a complaint by more than 60 “Asian-American” organizations that say Harvard University’s policies are discriminatory because they limit the acceptance of Asian students on precisely this basis.
The Justice Department joined Students for Fair Admissions, the group behind the case, which has urged the disclosure of “powerful” evidence showing that Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Harvard is violating Title VI of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

      I wish them luck in their case, but it’s a distraction. The question for me isn’t Obama’s policy per se, but why didn’t our schools respond with outrage at being encouraged to violate the Civil Rights Act? The primary answer as I see it is the “leaders” of our system saw this as an opportunity to grow, grow, grow, the schools some more—at the expense of saddling certain minorities with crushing debt.

The Supreme Court most recently addressed affirmative action admissions policies in a 2016 case, voting 4 to 3 to uphold what it called a “race-conscious” program at the University of Texas at Austin—but which was in fact just another anti-white program.

     That’s a narrow, narrow, victory for racism…I can see why a certain party is very concerned at the change in make-up of our Supreme Court.

      Another odd trend in higher education (and daresay the media) is the pro-Islam movement. Trump seems to be working to end that as well:

      Now, I’ve nothing against Islam any more than I have what’s being defined as “minorities,” but it’s clear something fishy is going on here:

According to the Department of Education, the program offers very few, “if any,” programs focused on the historic discrimination against religious minorities in the Middle East, and lacks balance, focusing on the “positive aspects of Islam” while having an “absolute absence” of a similar focus on the positive aspects of Christianity and Judaism.

     Much as I noted courses on Marxism focus on the utopian promises while “de-emphasizing” (an understatement) any discussion of what invariably happens under Marxist regimes, it seems a similar modus operandi is in effect here. Of course, I again wonder how such one-sided discussion became part of an education (as opposed to indoctrination).

     That said, I’m not real wild about government offering direction on how things should be taught. The protest against government interference here, which I would normally support, tells me that Trump’s administration has the right of it, as much as I hate making such an admission:

Henry Reichman, the chairman of a committee on academic freedom for the American Association of University Professors, reacted to the Education Department’s letter by referring to it as, ironically, “political correctness” enacted by the “right-wing.”
“Is the government now going to judge funding programs based on the opinions of instructors or the approach of each course?” asked Reichman. “The odor of right wing political correctness that comes through this definitely could have a chilling effect.”

     Oh, stop being coy here, just call him a NAZI and be done with it. There’s an informal rule that all internet arguments eventually devolve into one side calling the other a nazi. An important corollary to that rule is that whosoever cries NAZI first automatically loses the argument.

     I trust that soon the rule, and the key corollary, will soon be extended to the cry of “right wing” as well. It can’t happen soon enough for me.

     The key issue here is taxpayer dollars are being blown on “education” into a system which taxpayers themselves don’t want. If Trump can indeed shut this down, this gives hope that perhaps, someday, student loan money won’t continue to flow to schools far more interested in indoctrination than education. This, too, can’t happen soon enough for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This 'college readiness' concept looked interesting, so I had a look into it. I am from the UK, so many of the US education institutions are unfamiliar. However, tracking down THE CONDITION OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS NATIONAL 2018 from ACT (a private company? A federal branch?), I found out that roughly only 40% of high school graduates are ready for college.

    Here is the relevant quote from the report: "Slightly fewer ACT-tested graduates were ready for college coursework this year than last year. The percentage of students meeting at least three of the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks in the four core subject areas was 38% for the 2018 US high school graduating class, down from 39% last year but the same as in 2016."

    However, the latest statistic I could find on the number of high school graduates that actually go to college is (again, roughly) 70%. Assuming (?!) all of those 30% of high school graduates who don't go to college are not ready for college, that must mean that more than two-fifths of high school graduates going to college are not ready.

    Now, given that all the Ivy League colleges, and many others besides will demand good ACT scores for admission, this means the 40-odd percent of unready students will be unevenly distributed i.e. there will be lots (thousands?) of colleges where the majority — even most — of the students are not ready for college.

    This is just a very simple extraction from the statistics (you can check my maths professor; it is a bit rusty) but we can see a scandal right there: hundreds, if not thousands, of US colleges only exist by extracting federal loans to provide an 'education' to students who are not ready for it, and therefore cannot fully benefit from it. For the colleges, it is no loan, it is just a grant. Hey, free money. If the student can't pay it back, it is not the college's problem.

    Imagine the howls of 'racist", 'fascist' etc. etc. you would hear if it were to be suggested, maybe we should just give loans to students who are ready for college?

    1. Your numbers are fine, and it's an issue I've raised many times. It's quite obvious many of our colleges, especially community colleges, are exploiting people who would be better served just about anywhere else than in higher ed.

  3. Trump is imperfect as hell, but I love it when I see stuff like this being done through his proxies in other departments of the government. I want to see these leftist get the jack boot of the fed 'good and hard' whenever possible.
