By Professor Doom
Anyone teaching in
higher education a few decades comes to the conclusion that something is going
wrong. There’s a clear trend of enstupidation of our children. It’s not our
imagination, as simply reviewing old tests, even old textbooks, shows that the
material we cover in class today simply isn’t on the same level of a few
decades ago.
I’ve blamed
Education, that field of study which, laughably, claims to strive to improve
human learning, despite their endless array of massive failures, most lately
being Common Core (ok, it hasn’t failed yet, but there won’t be much surprise
when it does).
Turns out, I
could be wrong. Oh, Education is irrelevant at the very least, no question
about that, but a reader sent me a video discussing Pottenger’s Cats. It’s only
15 minutes, and worth a view.
I’ll summarize.
Pottenger was experimenting, like actual scientists do, and noticed that the
cats (accidentally) being fed raw meat were markedly healthier than the cats
being fed cooked meat. So, he scrapped his original experiment, and designed
new experiments around the hypothesis:
“Does the
cooking process somehow render food nutritionally deficient?”
Unlike the utterly untestable hypotheses that
seem to dominate “science” today (I may need to talk about this soon), this is
the sort of thing a real scientist can answer, probably. It’s a simple matter
to just vary the diet of the cats, using either cooked or raw meat, or raw or
pasteurized milk (or other processed options).
Naturally, we’re
just talking about cats here, and so the results may not apply to humans…but
the results are noteworthy.
First, the cats
fed processed milk had clear physiological differences—dental deterioration was
clear, and the cats, when tossed, were even hard pressed to land on their feet
(I don’t even know if such an experiment would be allowed today, since it’s obviously
cruel to the cats…). The cats fed raw milk were nothing like the sluggish,
sickly cats.
It’s particularly
disturbing watching a “raw milk” cat get into a fight with a “processed milk”
cat…the latter appears to move in slow motion compared to catlike speed (hey,
that used to be a cliché) of the healthy animal.
Now, all the cats
were selected to be healthy at the beginning of the study, but the ones with
the processed food diet clearly sickened over time. Fair enough, an interesting
Now comes the
amazing part of the study.
As these cats bred, the sickened cats passed
on their weakness to the next generation…by the third generation, the skeletal
deformities are unarguable, and there couldn’t even be a fourth generation,
because the cats were so sickened by a cooked meat diet.
And it gets even
more amazing.
To bring the
second generation “processed food” cats back to health, it wasn’t simply a
matter of returning to a healthy diet. No. It took four generations of feeding the cats properly before the cats that
had the bad diet in the past were indistinguishable from cats that were fed
proper (cat) food all along. The experiment ran for 10 years, to give an idea
of how long it took to show this.
As a final insult
to injury, after the experiment site was abandoned…the very weeds in the
“healthy” food pens were far more robust than the sickly weeds in the processed
food pens.
Unlike modern
science, which has a
real problem with many experimental results that can’t be replicated, this old
experiment was corroborated with similar experiments (although, I admit, never
perfectly replicated). I grant that there are
some issues with the experiment, and it’s really bizarre about the
weeds: could it just have been bad luck that the soil for the “processed” cats
had high levels of lead or arsenic in it? It’s impossible to say, and cats are
not people in any event.
Nevertheless, as
I watch, from one generation to the next, a clear degeneration of our
children’s mental ability, could it be that I’m wrong about blaming government
schools and Education? Could the soaring rates of autism and a few other
diseases not be due to vaccines, but instead is just the latest generational
symptom of our insidiously bad diet? Well, maybe.
I grant that the
Amish (with a relatively stable diet the last few centuries, for obvious
reasons) don’t seem to have the epidemic of debilitating diseases affecting the
“standard” American, so I suppose there’s something to the theory even if the
experiment has issues. I’m not saying we all should eat raw meat and drink raw
milk (it’s weird how the
government hates raw milk, however), but, I do concede we as a people need to
start eating healthier. It kind of bugs me that I’m well past double the age of
my students (even triple for a few of them), and yet seem to be more physically
fit than many of them (and I’m not a health nut, not by a long shot). In
addition, way more students are declaring/documenting themselves as mentally
disabled (and thus entitled to extra breaks) than when I started in higher
education. I’ve gone from sometimes having 1 disabled student a semester to now
typically having 8 disabled students a semester, over the last 30 years.
Some might say
there’s a conspiracy going on, but we don’t really need that here. Corporations
make our food, and corporations care about one thing and one thing only:
profit. I’m not saying this to slander corporations, I say it with the same
hostility as I might say “mosquitoes suck blood.” It just so happened that
processing food means less waste, and that means more profit; a corporation
simply is incapable of caring if its food eventually kills the customers (cf,
the tobacco industry).
gerbil litter: 6
number of baby gerbils that survive on purified water: 5
Number of
gerbils that survived when I gave them tap water instead: 1
--I used to
have pet gerbils. This is not exactly a scientific experiment, but I do think
one should be careful giving tap water to the young, rodent or otherwise. I
mostly drink bottled or filtered water now. Obviously.
Anyway, maybe I’m
wrong, and the enstupidation of our children is not due to the Educationist
claptrap, and is simply the result of our poor diet. The gentle reader should
seriously work to provide his children with healthy food…it’s not that hard to
make lunches out of apples and raw vegetables, at the very least.
And keep the kids
away from Educationist theory. Just to be sure.
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