Faculty’s Role in
Higher Education, part 2
By Professor Doom
Last time around,
I discussed how administrative control of hiring contributed to the decay of
higher education: they tend to hire only faculty that will help in that decay.
That’s only half the story, however, because this could only work as long as some
faculty in every discipline could be found to contribute to the decay.
Administrator: “It’s algebra without the
--All we could do is
sit there and look slack-jawed as our course content was literally being
deleted without discourse.
Some disciplines, especially math and
sciences, were short on such faculty.
These types of disciplines are all about rules, fundamental rules (like
how gravity works) that can’t be changed via administrative fiat, and these
disciplines devoutly believe that words have meaning. Thus, a course called
“calculus” is supposed to have calculus in it, not book reports, group
projects, and eighth-grade arithmetic.
In the previous
essay I identified that to become a faculty member, one first had to get a graduate
degree, only acquired after 6 to 10 years of a successful academic career.
Next, one had to usually suffer through years of poverty as an adjunct,
demonstrating a willingness to accede to administrative demands; the latter is
for most disciplines, but not so much for the technical disciplines, which have
so few graduates that there’s no glut that would put up with adjuncthood. When
it came time to get hired, admin couldn’t abuse people in these disciplines so
found a way to get around the issue of disciplines whose followers had at least
a tendency of have spines, by undermining the “small population problem” in
degrees that required specific skills, an even more efficient method than simply
removing course content, which could only be done on a per-campus basis:
Education degrees, which could count for any subject.
candidate for a position is demonstrating her ability to teach the material:
the system:
2x + 3y = 7
+ 5y = 6
best way to solve this system is substitution, first by solving for y:
= (-2/3)x + 7/3
= (-4/5)x + 6/5
that we’ve solved the system, let’s move on to a different type of problem
common to College Algebra…”
given as part of a sample lecture presented by a candidate for a permanent
position in the math department. No math faculty were on the hiring committee,
but this part was passed on to me by a committee member who knew an easier way
to solve the system, and knew that the candidate had not, in fact, solved the
system, only done the first steps on solving it in a confusing way. Most of the
committee thought the candidate unsuitable for the position, but was hired all
the same. The candidate had a Master’s Degree in Math Education, and was hired
by an administrator also on the committee (and not capable of realizing the
issues in the above discussion).
I don’t know how it is in other fields, but there’s considerable
confusion by administration between mathematics as a field, and “math
education” as a, and I hesitate to use the same word, field. As near as I can
tell, administration believes the two subjects are interchangeable, and since
math education degree holders promise higher retention rates, there is an
additional level of competition for mathematics positions, between those that
actually know the material, and those that presumably know how to teach
mathematics without knowing any mathematics.
f(x) = |x| differentiable at x = 1? Let me look that up.”
of a Master’s in Math Education trying to answer a question at a student
competition. She had taught Elementary Calculus 1 many times, and this question
is comparable in difficulty to identifying an adjective in a sentence.
I don’t mean to cast aspersions on what might be a legitimate area of
study, but having personally met so many advanced degree holders in “math
education” with a stunningly limited grasp of undergraduate mathematics, I’m
hard pressed to take such degrees seriously, at least when it comes to teaching
college level mathematics courses.
differentiable function is continuous, and a continuous function is
differentiable. They mean the same thing.”
Math Educationist teaching calculus wrong. I don’t expect everyone to know how
wrong this is, but it’s about as bad as a Historian saying in all seriousness
that” George Washington conquered Japan before subduing Stalinist forces in
Indonesia.” “I’ve been teaching it that way for years,” said the Educationist
when I tried to explain that she was wrong…much like the book says explicitly
with numerous examples.
Nevertheless, I was puzzled why these “colleagues” of mine repeatedly
demonstrated that they knew nothing of the material they were teaching. I
sought to learn why. Institutions that
offer graduate degrees in math education put their entire curriculum online.
Thus, it’s simple to see what you need to know to get a degree. Here are the
course topics taken from one school, though all such schools require a similar
curriculum for the degree:
Each topic covers 3 to 6 credit hours; get
through them all, and you’ve got your degree. Now, there’s lots of education
topics in there….but where’s the math? The first five clearly have no math in
them, just educationist theory. The only topic that might have math in it is
“Math Education”, which has two parts to it. Here’s the first:
Mathematics Learning and Teaching
In this course candidates will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective practicing mathematics educator. Candidates will learn principles and models of teaching for understanding, and gain familiarity with the standards and best practices of mathematics education. Candidates will learn how to select appropriate resources, use multiple teaching strategies, use assessment to guide instruction, and plan for all students. Emphasis will be on using research-based methods and problem solving.
In this course candidates will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective practicing mathematics educator. Candidates will learn principles and models of teaching for understanding, and gain familiarity with the standards and best practices of mathematics education. Candidates will learn how to select appropriate resources, use multiple teaching strategies, use assessment to guide instruction, and plan for all students. Emphasis will be on using research-based methods and problem solving.
This is just one course, and there are
certainly enough topics in there for a course…but how much of that is math? The
only thing that looks like math comes at the end. “Problem solving” is about
it….perhaps one week of something math related in this course, and that really
won’t prepare the educationist to teach an entire college course of material.
Maybe the other course is math:
Mathematics History and Technology
In this course candidates will learn how to effectively integrate mathematics history and technology into learning activities to motivate students and increase student learning. Candidates will analyze major historical developments and cultural contributions to modern mathematics, select and use a variety of technological tools to solve problems, and analyze emerging philosophies and research-based strategies for incorporating mathematics history and technology into learning activities.
In this course candidates will learn how to effectively integrate mathematics history and technology into learning activities to motivate students and increase student learning. Candidates will analyze major historical developments and cultural contributions to modern mathematics, select and use a variety of technological tools to solve problems, and analyze emerging philosophies and research-based strategies for incorporating mathematics history and technology into learning activities.
The history of mathematics is a
fascinating topic, I admit…but not exactly mathematics. I’ve discussed earlier
the games of technology, no math there whatsoever, just bogus tricks to
increase retention without any learning going on with the students.
So, a Mathematics Education degree holder
will learn no mathematics to get a graduate degree. Perhaps the math will be
learned as an undergraduate? It’s possible, but once again the schools that
offer these graduate degrees make it clear that to enter the program, you don’t
need a mathematics degree, an undergraduate degree in Education is just fine.
When I applied for a graduate Math Education program, every single school
accepted me, and not one asked what my degrees were in…if I had a credit card
or was willing to write a check, that was all I needed.
“The probability that the mean is in a
95% Confidence Interval is 0.95”
--An Educationist attempting to teach
statistics, and doing it wrong. Again. If ‘probability’ and ‘confidence’ meant
the same thing, we’d call them probability intervals. The probability is
actually either 0 or 1. An expert would know this sort of thing…but this is
what students in an educationist class learn. Now that I know how bad it is, it
might well be better for Educationist-taught courses to have no content in them
at all, since then the students would not be taught falsehoods.
Think about that: a faculty member with a
Master’s in Math Education might not have seen math since high school. And now
I have no wonder, no wonder at all how it is that Math Education degree holders
don’t know any math. There’s no reason whatsoever to expect someone with a
graduate degree in Math Education to know any mathematics at all…and yet they
easily get jobs teaching math in higher education. Again, I can’t make this
stuff up.
To be fair, these degree programs are
really intended for high school teachers, but administrators in higher
education don’t care, and hire them to teach college material, material they
don’t know.
On the other hand, enroll in a Master’s
program in mathematics and every course is math, there won’t be a single course
on “education” at all. Words have meaning.
The mathematics faculty are gathered
around a machine that tracks how fast a person is moving.
Faculty: “Anyone want to try to move in
a way that would make a non-differentiable function?”
A Math Education faculty member gets up,
and tries…he can’t.
Math Education faculty member gets up and tries….and can’t.
Another Math Education faculty member gets up and tries…and can’t.
A faculty member with a mathematics
degree: “Shouldn’t we already know that no single person can move in a
non-differentiable way?”
Two faculty members move, crossing paths
in front of the motion detector; the graph makes a sharp change in direction
where the cross occurs, a change not possible for a single object in motion to
---Seriously, this happened. It was the
beginning of my realization that Math Educationists don’t actually learn math.
Before this, I just assumed the blunders I kept witnessing were just mistakes
that could happen to anyone. Mistakes I just kept seeing over and over again.
Many departments are now “mixed” with
Educationists and mathematicians both teaching the courses, but the difference
between the two is wide. I know of at least one college that has zero math
teachers with mathematics degrees…all the teachers hold “Math Education”
degrees. Since these teachers might never have taken calculus, statistics, or
any college level course, they have no idea what’s supposed to be in the course,
or what students will need to know to progress in useful skills, so don’t have
any issue when admin tells them to take another chapter out. I’ve presented a
few examples, above, of the wild cluelessness, but I fear to imagine how bad it
would be in a department with literally no mathematicians to occasionally teach
the material properly.
Since there is no
process by which an administrator could tell that such people aren’t qualified,
people with this degree can go on for years teaching subjects they know little
about…they get good retention, I’ll certainly grant, and that’s all administration
cares about.
There are graduate “Subject Education” (English Education, Music
Education, etc) degrees in a variety of other subjects, so it wouldn’t surprise
me to hear that this problem is not unique to math. An administrator sees the
degree requirements as close enough, not realizing or caring that such a degree
really isn’t appropriate for teaching college courses. As long as retention
rates are good, a Math Education degree holder can teach anything without
interference from administration. Being barely qualified for the position,
these types of degree holders are deeply unlikely to stand up to
administration. I’ve certainly never seen one do so, or even approximate doing
so. Graduate math education degrees are easier to get, greatly increasing the
pool of spineless faculty for hire.
I’ve seen many a legitimate complaint about courses that teach “bad”
material like feminism or racial studies or whatever, giving very slanted views
on history and the world. At least those courses could generously be called
biased, but now that Educationists have created their own degrees giving them
influence over any subject at all, they can now teach even technical
subjects…this teaching can’t even be called biased, as, in many cases, it’s
flat out wrong, literally setting back human knowledge in the process.
What’s going to happen when there are Brain Surgeon Education and
Airline Pilot Education degrees? I joke, but in the real world, brain surgery
and piloting are taught by people that actually know brain surgery, actually
know how to fly a plane. Does it even remotely make sense that real skills
should be taught by people that don’t know the skills? How did it come to pass
that institutions of higher education somehow decided that it did make sense?
It’s a question that occurred to me, and I’ll be answering it soon, although
“better retention” is certainly part of the answer.
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